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Making a Difference with HeartKids, Thanks to You

In the heart of every organisation lies the potential to not only achieve success within its own walls but also to extend its reach into the community, making a profound difference. This belief is what drives our commitment to deliver charity team building events, a unique blend of strengthening team bonds while contributing to meaningful causes.

Through these events, we bring together socially responsible clients and our trusted charity partners, fostering connections that result in substantial donations. Over the years, our clients efforts have led to the contribution of 2.9 million dollars of in-kind donations. By participating in these events, our clients make a tangible difference in our communities.

At the forefront of our efforts is our connection with our charity partners.  Our mission has always been to foster stronger relationships within corporate teams while making a positive impact on society. Our charity partners help us bridge the gap between our socially responsible clients and the community.

Among these partnerships, our collaboration with HeartKids Australia stands out as particularly impactful. Founded on shared values and a mutual commitment to support those affected by Childhood-onset Heart Disease (CoHD), our alliance with HeartKids underscores our collective mission.

HeartKids is the only national not-for-profit organisation solely focused on supporting and advocating for all people impacted by Childhood-onset Heart Disease, one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia.

There is no known cure for CoHD, so welcoming a ‘heart kid’ can be life changing. HeartKids is a critical lifeline for families as they face the emotional and financial stress of repeated heart surgeries and ongoing medical treatment. Through our popular programs, Bikes for Tykes, Toys for Tykes and Lego Legends, we have been able to contribute to their cause in a unique and impactful way.

dollars worth of in-kind donations to heartkids australia since 2019

Your Impact

In the past four years, our collaboration with HeartKids Australia has achieved significant, measurable impact through our charity team-building events. Our programs have enabled us to facilitate the donation of more than $400,000 worth of in-kind donations. These contributions directly support children and families affected by Childhood-onset Heart Disease (CoHD), providing them with both comfort and joy during some of life’s most challenging moments.

The role of our clients in this effort cannot be overstated. By participating in our charity team-building events, they contribute significantly to our community’s well-being. Each donation—whether it be Lego, bikes, or toys—represents a tangible expression of support to families facing the realities of CoHD.

dollars worth of brand new bikes donated to heart kids and thier siblings

Bikes for Tykes

Our flagship program, Bikes for Tykes, has seen over 7,000 participants assembling bikes that have brought joy and mobility to HeartKids families. This unique blend of teamwork and friendly competition not only strengthens bonds but culminates in a profound act of giving—amounting to over $245,000 worth of bikes donated to HeartKids. These bikes offer heart kids and their siblings a precious escape, an opportunity to revel in the simple pleasures of childhood away from the medical world that so often surrounds them.

dollars worth of Lego to HeartKid families, bringing smiles, laughter, and a bit of relief

Lego Legends

Our Lego Legends program celebrates the joy of play, inviting participants to reconnect with their inner child by creating amazing Lego structures. Behind the games, this program serves a dual purpose offering children affected by Childhood-onset Heart Disease and their siblings a chance to immerse themselves in play. Beyond play, LEGO also serves as an effective method of distraction, offering a therapeutic respite from the medical treatments. Thanks to the incredible support of over 6,000 participants, we’ve been able to donate $107,000 worth of Lego to HeartKid families, bringing smiles, laughter, and a bit of relief into their lives.

dollars worth of Toys donated to Heart Kids and thier siblings

Toys for Tykes

Recognising the scientifically proven benefits of play in boosting endorphins in both adults and children, our Toys for Tykes program harnesses the power of play to support children facing illness. This initiative has successfully rallied our clients to donate $55,000 worth of toys to HeartKids. These toys are more than mere gifts; they are essential tools that aid in the development of cognitive abilities, motor skills, and emotional well-being, offering heart kids and their siblings valuable opportunities for growth and happiness.

Yet, the true value of these programs extends beyond the events themselves. It lies in the stories of resilience and hope from the children and families whose lives are touched by these efforts. These stories belong to our generous clients who, by participating in our charity team-building events, play a crucial role in making a lasting difference for the HeartKids community.


“Corporate Challenge is an organisation that brings teams together and joy to children’s lives.

Our son Brayden had Heart surgery at 48hrs old and again at 18mths. Post his surgery at 18mths old, he lost all his muscle throughout his body and he had to learn to walk and eat all again.

We are incredibly grateful for Corporate Challenge in giving our son a new bike through their program.

This has enabled him to take it to physio appointments, be active outdoors, learn balance again and build much needed muscle tone.

He has participated with his scout group on bike rides and is doing amazing albeit still on training wheels.

Corporate Challenge provides and enhances children’s dreams and abilities just like it has for our son and we are incredibly grateful.


Nat, Colin and Brayden

Arafat family

“I came to Australia as an International student accompanied by my wife and only daughter, who was 6 months old at that time. On our second day here she was diagnosed with critical heart condition and had heart surgery at the Royal Children’s Hospital and stayed there continuously for 7 months. During that tough time the doctors , nurses and particularly HeartKids, helped us tremendously . We are still getting support from the HeartKids after 13 years of our relationship. 


Recently we have received two bicycles for our children, donated by Corporate Challenge through  HeartKids. Our children were so happy after receiving those amazing gifts. And we would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to Corporate Challenge via HeartKids.  Keep up the great works! It makes such a difference.”



Arafat family


“We are so grateful to Corporate Challenge and HeartKids. My children had received the wonderful gifts of bikes from Corporate Challenge in the past, then an incident saw all of them get damaged beyond repair. Amazingly, we were then given the opportunity to receive bikes once again and the children have been beyond thrilled to be mobile once more. The team at Corporate Challenge were wonderful and the challenge attendees were enthusiastic and appeared to have had a wonderful experience. “


Thank you so much – Karen, mother to heart kid, Sophie

These stories are a testament to the profound impact of corporate social responsibility. Our clients, through their generous donations, provide more than gifts; they offer opportunities for growth, learning, and most importantly, joy to these children. The ability to facilitate these powerful connections and make a positive change in the lives of children facing CoHD and their families is what truly drives us.

A huge thank you goes out to all our clients who have participated in our charity team-building events. Your involvement extends beyond enhancing your team’s culture—it reaches directly into the lives of numerous heart kids and their families. We’re deeply grateful for your support in our mission.

To HeartKids, we express our great appreciation for your incredible work every day. We’re honoured to support your mission and excited to continue our partnership, bringing more smiles and hope to those you serve.

Together, we are making a real difference. Let’s keep up the momentum, building stronger teams, deeper connections, and brighter futures.

For more information on how you can support HeartKids Australia please visit: https://www.heartkids.org.au/